Midnight Sun Firmware
No Matches
Here is a list of all modules:
 BlinkyBlinky Firmware
 Bms_carrierBms_carrier Firmware
 BootloaderBootloader Firmware
 Can_communicationCan_communication Firmware
 CANCAN library
 RTOS_HelpersRTOS helper libraries
 FlashFlash library
 Finite_State_MachineFSM library
 GPIOGPIO library
 I2CI2C library
 InterruptsInterrupts library
 LoggerLogging library
 MCUMCU library
 MiscellaneousMiscellaneous libraries
 Memory_Protection_UnitMPU library
 SPISPI library
 Status_CodeGlobal error library
 UARTUART library
 Master_TasksMaster Tasks Library
 Autogeneration toolsThis package contains parsing and generation utilities
 ClientAppMainClient Application Main Interface
 ClientAppCallbackApplication Callback functions for the Client
 ClientGpioManagerGpioManager for the Client
 ClientI2CManagerI2CManager for the Client
 ClientSPIManagerSPIManager for the Client
 Client_UtilsClient Utilities and Infrastructure
 CommandCodesCommands Supported by the Simulation
 GpioDatagramShared Gpio Datagram class
 I2CDatagramShared I2C Datagram class
 JSONManagerShared JSON Manager class
 MetadataDatagramShared Metadata Datagram class
 NetworkTimeProtocolHelpersNetwork time protocol helper library
 SerializationHelpersSerialization helper library
 SPIDatagramShared SPI Datagram class
 ThreadHelpersThread helper/management library
 ServerAppMainServer Application Main Interface
 ServerAppCallbackApplication Callback functions for the Server
 AppTerminalApplication Terminal/Shell Interface
 CanListenerRaw SocketCAN abstraction class
 CanSchedulerSocketCAN Broadcast Manager abstraction class
 ServerGpioManagerGpioManager for the Server
 ServerI2CManagerI2CManager for the Server
 ServerSPIManagerSPIManager for the Server
 Server_UtilsServer Utilities and Infrastructure