Midnight Sun Firmware
▼NDatagram | |
▼CGpio | |
CPayload | Gpio Datagram payload storage |
▼CI2C | |
CPayload | I2C Datagram payload storage |
▼CMetadata | |
CPayload | Metadata Datagram payload storage |
▼CSPI | |
CPayload | SPI Datagram payload storage |
Cafe1_status | Storage class for afe1_status CAN message |
Cafe2_status | Storage class for afe2_status CAN message |
Cafe3_status | Storage class for afe3_status CAN message |
Cbattery_info | Storage class for battery_info CAN message |
Cbattery_status | Storage class for battery_status CAN message |
Cbattery_vt | Storage class for battery_vt CAN message |
CBoot_CanMessage | CAN message structure |
CBootloaderDatagram | Datagram message definition |
CBootloaderStateData | Private Bootloader State Storage |
CCanHwTiming | |
CCanId | CAN message ID |
CCanListener | Class that handles message listening over a SocketCAN interface |
CCanMessage | CAN message structure |
CCanQueue | CAN queue data structure to store received CAN messages |
CCanScheduler | Class that handles message scheduling over a SocketCAN interface |
CCanSettings | CAN Settings |
CCanStorage | Storage class for the device ID and RX data |
CCanWatchDog | Software defined CAN watchdog |
Ccc_info | Storage class for cc_info CAN message |
Ccc_pedal | Storage class for cc_pedal CAN message |
Ccc_regen_percentage | Storage class for cc_regen_percentage CAN message |
Ccc_steering | Storage class for cc_steering CAN message |
CClient | Class that represents a client that connects to a main server |
CClientConnection | Class that represents a connection between the server and a client |
CClientI2CManager | Class that manages receiving and transmitting I2C commands and JSON logging |
CClientSPIManager | Class that manages receiving and transmitting SPI commands and JSON logging |
CDatagramGpio | Class for managing Gpio port configurations and data transfer operations |
CDatagramI2C | Class for managing I2C port configurations and data transfer operations |
CDatagramMetadata | Class for managing client Metadata and data transfer operations |
CDatagramSPI | Class for managing SPI port configurations and data transfer operations |
Cfast_one_shot_msg | Storage class for fast_one_shot_msg CAN message |
CFsm | |
CGpioAddress | Port and pin data |
CGpioInterrupt | Storage class for GPIO interrupts |
CGpioManager | Class that manages receiving and transmitting Gpio commands and JSON logging |
CI2CManager | |
CI2CPortData | I2C Port data |
CI2CSettings | I2C settings struct |
CInterruptSettings | Interrupt configuration structure |
CJSONManager | Class for managing JSON Files |
Cmedium_one_shot_msg | Storage class for medium_one_shot_msg CAN message |
CMPURegion | |
CMPURegionSettings | |
CNTPClient | Class that represents the netowrk-time-protocol client that synchronizes with a server |
CNTPPacket | Structure representing an NTP packet |
CNTPServer | Class that represents the netowrk-time-protocol server that synchronizes clients |
CNTPTime | Structure representing NTP time format with seconds and fractional seconds |
CQueue | Queue storage and access struct |
CSemaphore | Semaphore object with handle and buffer |
CServer | Class that represents the central server that connects to multiple clients |
CServerI2CManager | Class that manages receiving and transmitting I2C commands and JSON logging |
CServerSPIManager | Class that manages receiving and transmitting SPI commands and JSON logging |
Cslow_one_shot_msg | Storage class for slow_one_shot_msg CAN message |
CSPIManager | |
CSPIPortData | SPI Port data |
CSpiSettings | SPI settings struct |
CState | |
CTask | |
CTerminal | Class that interfaces with the simulation API via a terminal UI |
CUartPortData | UART Port data |
CUartSettings | UART Settings |
CX86Interrupt | X86 Interrupt storage class |