Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
▼ autogen | | | Main interface for autogeneration for new files, CAN and tests | | YAML parsing and validation module for CAN message configurations | | Updates the required data for new project autogeneration | | Updates the required data for new test autogeneration |
▼ can | |
▼ inc | |
can.h | |
can_hw.h | |
can_msg.h | |
can_queue.h | |
can_watchdog.h | |
▼ libraries | |
▼ master | |
▼ inc | |
master_tasks.h | |
▼ ms-common | |
▼ inc | |
delay.h | |
flash.h | |
fsm.h | |
gpio.h | |
gpio_interrupts.h | |
i2c.h | |
interrupts.h | |
log.h | |
mcu.h | |
misc.h | |
mpu.h | |
notify.h | |
queues.h | |
semaphore.h | |
spi.h | |
status.h | |
tasks.h | |
test_helpers.h | |
uart.h | |
▼ projects | |
▼ blinky | |
▼ inc | |
blinky.h | |
▼ bms_carrier | |
▼ inc | |
bms_carrier.h | |
▼ bootloader | |
▼ inc | |
bootloader.h | |
bootloader_can.h | |
bootloader_can_datagram.h | |
bootloader_crc32.h | |
bootloader_error.h | |
bootloader_flash.h | |
bootloader_mpu.h | |
▼ can_communication | |
▼ inc | |
can_communication.h | |
▼ simulation | |
▼ client | |
▼ app | |
▼ inc | |
app.h | |
app_callback.h | |
gpio_manager.h | |
i2c_manager.h | |
spi_manager.h | |
▼ utils | |
▼ inc | |
client.h | |
ntp_client.h | |
▼ common | |
▼ inc | |
command_code.h | |
gpio_datagram.h | |
i2c_datagram.h | |
json_manager.h | |
metadata.h | |
network_time_protocol.h | |
serialization.h | |
spi_datagram.h | |
thread_helpers.h | |
▼ server | |
▼ app | |
▼ inc | |
app.h | |
app_callback.h | |
app_terminal.h | |
can_listener.h | |
can_scheduler.h | |
gpio_manager.h | |
i2c_manager.h | |
spi_manager.h | |
▼ utils | |
▼ inc | |
client_connection.h | |
ntp_server.h | |
server.h | |